Hidden behind a stolen mask
Dark as night
Old as time
Cold as death
Seeking for right moment
For right sign
To put the mask down
To go on
Standing on a bridge, looking back to my past
Afraid to jump, beyond river of sin
Unable to move, chained by irons of lies
Hands shaken, mouth closed
Unable to put my feelings in words
Eyes not shut down, wide open
Memories all that remind
Then You came
As wind hugged my hair
You hugged my soul
Dislodging ancient enemies of regret and pain
You were there
Where no one was standing before
Beside me
In darkness of mind
Your words were candles given to a child You taught me never to run, never to hide
Suddenly the clock stopped ticking
Everything was so quite
The birds break the silence by chirping
And you grabbed that mask
Whispering words of love and trust in my mind
You broke the mask
Released me, from my pains
Now I'm free to go on
I'm free to be the ONE
2007-07-25 00:35
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